Thursday, February 8, 2024

91 Popular Foods Starting with N

Are you ready to explore some delicious treats that start with the letter “N” and get inspired for the upcoming meals you’re planning to have? The ideas are limitless, you just need to make a list of your favorites. 

Shall we begin?

1. Naan Bread

Naan bread, a favorite in Indian cuisine, is a soft flatbread. It’s made with flour, water, yeast, and yogurt, and then cooked in a clay oven. This gives it a crispy outside and a soft inside. It’s great for dipping in curries or enjoying by itself.

2. Nacatamal

Nacatamal is a special dish from Nicaragua. It’s made by wrapping seasoned corn dough with marinated pork, rice, veggies, and spices in a banana leaf. This bundle is steamed until the flavors mix together, creating an irresistible combination. 

3. Nachos

Nachos are a popular snack enjoyed worldwide, especially in the United States and Mexico. They’re made by layering crispy tortilla chips with melted cheese and then adding toppings like jalapeños, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole. 

4. Nali Sauce

Nali sauce is a spicy condiment hailing from Malawi, a country in Africa. It’s made using hot chili peppers, garlic, and other ingredients like onion and lemon juice. People use this sauce to make food spicy and tasty. It’s good on grilled meat, stews, and veggies. 

5. Nam Prik

Nam Prik

Nam Prik is a spicy paste from Thailand. It’s made by mixing chili peppers with ingredients such as shrimp paste, garlic, and spices. The taste is a balance of spicy, salty, and sometimes a bit sweet, depending on the recipe.

6. Namban Chicken

Namban chicken is a super tasty Japanese dish. Chicken is cut into small pieces, fried until they’re crispy, and then covered with a tasty sweet and sour sauce. The texture is a mix of crunchy chicken and saucy covering.

7. Namoura

Namoura, also known as basbousa, is a delicious dessert enjoyed in the Middle East. They use simple stuff such as semolina, yogurt, and sugar. After baking, they pour sweet syrup on it. This makes namoura sweet and soft

8. Namul

Namul is a Korean veggie dish. Different veggies are cooked with things such as sesame oil, garlic, and soy sauce. The taste depends on the veggies used, but it’s often a mix of fresh and savory flavors.

9. Nana Tea

Nana tea, also known as mint tea, is a popular drink enjoyed in various cultures. It’s made by steeping fresh or dried mint leaves in hot water. This creates a refreshing and aromatic beverage.

10. Nanaimo Bar

Nanaimo Bar

The Nanaimo bar is a classic Canadian dessert named after the city of Nanaimo in British Columbia. It’s a no-bake dessert with three layers. The base layer is a mixture of graham cracker crumbs, nuts, coconut, and cocoa, bound together with butter and sometimes condensed milk.

11. Nance Syrup

Nance syrup is a sweet liquid made from nance fruit, which is native to tropical regions of the Americas. To create the syrup, the small, yellow-orange nance fruits are typically crushed and simmered with sugar and water until they form a flavorful mixture.

12. Nankhatai

Nankhatai are tasty Indian cookies. They’re made with flour, sugar, ghee (clarified butter), and sometimes nuts. Nankhatai has a lovely crumbly texture and a sweet, buttery taste

13. Nantua

Nantua is a delicious French dish. It’s a creamy sauce that’s often paired with fish or pasta. The sauce is made from crayfish butter, cream, and sometimes cognac for extra flavor. Nantua sauce is a specialty of the Ain region in France and adds a luxurious touch to meals.

14. Napa Cabbage

Napa cabbage, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a type of leafy vegetable commonly used in Asian cuisines. It has large, light green leaves with a crunchy texture. Napa cabbage is often used in stir-fries, soups, and kimchi, a traditional Korean fermented dish.

15. Napoleon Cake

Napoleon Cake

Napoleon cake, also called mille-feuille, is a delightful dessert that originates from France. It consists of thin layers of puff pastry alternated with layers of rich pastry cream. The layers are stacked and usually topped with a dusting of powdered sugar or a glaze.

16. Naranjilla Fruit

Naranjilla fruit, also known as lulo, is a unique tropical fruit originating from South America, particularly Ecuador and Colombia. The fruit is small and round, with a bumpy green skin. Naranjilla is often used to make refreshing beverages, like juices and smoothies, by blending the pulp with water and sweetener.

17. Nargisi Kofta

Nargisi kofta is a tasty Indian dish. Boiled eggs are wrapped in spiced meat, often lamb or chicken then fried or cooked in curry. The dish has both tender meat and firm eggs.

18. Nashi Pear

Nashi pear, also known as Asian pear, is a juicy and crunchy fruit popular in East Asian cuisines. It looks like a cross between an apple and a pear, with a round shape and crisp texture. Nashi pears are usually eaten fresh, and they have a mildly sweet and refreshing taste. 

19. Nasi Goreng

Nasi goreng is a delicious Indonesian dish. It’s essentially fried rice, cooked with various ingredients such as vegetables, and meat, and often flavored with sweet soy sauce and spices. The dish can be customized with different proteins, such as chicken, shrimp, or even just vegetables. 

20. Nasi Campur

Nasi Campur

Nasi campur is a tasty Indonesian dish that translates as mixed rice. It’s a meal that typically includes a portion of white rice surrounded by a variety of small dishes. These dishes can consist of meats, vegetables, peanuts, eggs, and more, often cooked in different styles and with various seasonings.

21. Nasi Lemak

Nasi Lemak is a yummy Malaysian dish. It has coconut rice that smells really good because of coconut milk and pandan leaves. They serve it with a spicy sauce called sambal, crunchy anchovies, peanuts, and sometimes an egg. 

22. Nasturtium Pesto

Nasturtium pesto is a tasty sauce made from nasturtium leaves and flowers. It’s like regular basil pesto but with a peppery kick. They use ingredients like nuts, garlic, cheese, and oil. It tastes zesty and savory.

23. Nata de Coco

Nata de coco is a chewy and jelly-like treat from the Philippines. It’s made from fermented coconut water using helpful bacteria. The result is translucent cubes with a mild coconut flavor. Nata de coco is often found in desserts, drinks, and fruit salads.

24. Natal Plum

The natal plum is a tropical fruit that grows on a shrub native to South Africa. The fruit is round and red when ripe, with a waxy skin. Inside, it has a juicy pulp that’s both sweet and tangy, creating a unique flavor profile. The taste can be likened to a mix of cranberries, apricots, and plums.

25. Natillas


Natillas is a creamy Spanish dessert that’s popular in many Spanish-speaking countries. It’s similar to a custard, made by cooking together milk, sugar, eggs, and sometimes a touch of cinnamon or lemon zest. The mixture is heated until it thickens into a smooth and velvety consistency.

26. Natto

Natto is a unique Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. The fermentation process gives the soybeans a distinct smell and a sticky, slimy texture. Natto is often enjoyed as a breakfast food, served over rice with various toppings like green onions, soy sauce, and mustard.

27. Navajo Tacos

Navajo tacos are a Native American dish. They start with fry bread, which is like puffy dough that’s fried. On top, there’s tasty stuff like seasoned meat, beans, lettuce, and cheese. The taste is a mix of savory flavors. The fry bread is crispy outside and soft inside, while the toppings are tender.

28. Navarin

Navarin is a tasty French stew. They use lamb or mutton with carrots, potatoes, and onions. It cooks in a tasty broth with tomato, wine, or herbs. The texture varies from the softness of the meat and vegetables to the thickness of the stew.

29. Navel Oranges

Navel Oranges

Navel oranges are special oranges with a little “belly button” at one end. They’re sweet and juicy, and you can easily peel them. People like to eat them fresh or make juice. They taste sweet and tangy, really refreshing. When you bite into them, they’re juicy and delicious.

30. Navette

Navette is a French cookie, that looks like a little boat, eaten on special days. It’s made with flour, sugar, and butter, so it’s a bit sweet. When you eat it, it’s crumbly and light. Sometimes, it has a nice smell of orange blossom water.

31. Navy Beans

Navy beans are small white beans used in soups and stews. They’re soft when cooked and can be creamy. Navy beans are healthy because they have protein and fiber. They’re good for making lots of different foods.

32. Nduja

Nduja is a spicy sausage spread from Southern Italy. Pork is mixed with red chili peppers and spices, then cured. You can spread it on bread, add it to pasta, or use it in sauces. It tastes smoky and really spicy. The spread is soft and easy to use in cooking.

33. Nectar

Nectar is a sweet liquid found in flowers. It’s like a special drink for bees and other pollinators that tastes sugary and provides energy for bees and other creatures. Bees turn nectar into honey.

34. Nectarine

Nectarines are tasty fruits that are similar to peaches. They have smooth skin, unlike the fuzzy skin of peaches. Nectarines are sweet and juicy, with a delightful flavor that’s a mix of tangy and sweet. You can eat them fresh, just like peaches.

35. Neem Leaves

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves come from the neem tree, which is native to parts of Asia and Africa. These leaves are known for their bitter taste and are used in various traditional practices, including Ayurveda. Neem leaves have a unique role in traditional medicine and wellness practices.

36. Neep

Neep is a nickname for a turnip, which is a root vegetable. Turnips have a round shape and are usually white or purple on the outside. They can be cooked in various ways, such as boiled, roasted, mashed, or added to soups and stews. 

37. Negroni

A Negroni is a classic cocktail that’s known for its balance of flavors. It’s made by mixing equal parts of three main ingredients: gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari, a bitter herbal liqueur. The mixture is typically stirred over ice and served in a glass with an orange peel garnish.

38. Negus

Negus is a traditional drink that’s often associated with British and historical contexts. It’s made by mixing hot water, wine (usually port), sugar, and sometimes lemon juice or spices. Negus was historically served as a warming and spiced beverage, often enjoyed during colder months or festive occasions. 

39. Nendran Banana

Nendran banana, also known as the Kerala banana, is a variety of banana that’s popular in southern India, particularly in the state of Kerala. These bananas are quite distinct with their large size and elongated shape. They are known for their versatility in both sweet and savory preparations.

40. Nerds


Nerds are tiny, colorful candies. They come in different flavors and are crunchy. They taste sweet and tangy and feel crispy with a bit of powder. People of all ages like them as a fun and tasty treat.

41. Nesselrode

Nesselrode is a rich dessert with European origins. It’s named after Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, a French diplomat. The dessert typically involves chestnut purée, candied fruits, and sometimes raisins and alcohol.

42. Nettle

Nettle is a plant that’s known for its stinging leaves. Despite their sting, nettle leaves have been used for various purposes. They can be cooked or dried to make herbal teas, soups, stews or risotto or even used in skincare products. 

43. Neufchatel Cheese

Neufchatel cheese is a type of soft cheese that’s often compared to cream cheese. It originated in France and is named after the town of Neufchatel-en-Bray. The texture is smooth and spreadable when it’s at room temperature, making it great for spreading on bagels, crackers, or using as a base for dips. 

44. New England Boiled Dinner

New England boiled dinner is a traditional dish from the northeastern United States. It’s made by boiling meats like corned beef or pork with root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Everything cooks together until it’s tender and tasty. 

45. New England Clam Chowder

New England Clam Chowder

New England clam chowder is a creamy soup from the northeastern U.S. It has clams, potatoes, onions, and sometimes bacon. The taste is a mix of clams, cream, and veggies. It’s smooth and creamy with pieces of clams and potatoes.

46. New Mexico Chiles

New Mexico chiles are a type of chili pepper grown in the state of New Mexico in the United States. They are often used in Southwestern and Mexican cuisines to add flavor and heat to dishes. They can be roasted, dried, or used in sauces, stews, and salsas.  

47. New Orleans Gumbo

New Orleans gumbo is a flavorful and iconic dish from the city of New Orleans in the United States. This stew typically includes a mix of ingredients like chicken, sausage, seafood, vegetables, and a rich roux-based broth. Gumbo often incorporates a variety of seasonings and can be customized with different proteins and vegetables. 

48. New York Pizza

The New York pizza is world famous. It’s characterized by its thin and foldable crust, which is typically hand-tossed and cooked in a deck oven. New York pizza is known for its large slices that are often folded in half to eat.

49. New York Cheesecake

New York cheesecake is a rich and creamy dessert that’s popular worldwide. It’s known for its dense and velvety texture, created by using cream cheese as the main ingredient. The cheesecake is often baked on a graham cracker crust, adding a touch of sweetness and crunchiness.

50. New York Strip Steak

New York Strip Steak

A New York strip steak, often referred to simply as a strip steak, is a popular cut of beef known for its tenderness and rich flavor. When grilled, broiled, or pan-seared, it develops a charred crust while staying tender and flavorful inside. The taste is a combination of savory and beefy flavors, with a touch of smokiness from the grilling or searing process.

51. New Zealand Spinach

New Zealand spinach is a kind of leafy green veggie. It can be used in salads, cooked dishes, or even as a substitute for regular spinach in recipes. It’s known for being heat-tolerant and can thrive in warmer climates.

52. New Potatoes

New potatoes are young, small potatoes that are harvested before they fully mature. They have thin, delicate skin and are known for their tender texture. New potatoes are often boiled, steamed, or roasted whole, and they can also be used in salads. 

53. Nigella Seeds

Nigella, also known as nigella sativa or black seed, is a flowering plant whose seeds are used as a spice and herbal remedy. The seeds are small and black and have a slightly bitter taste with a hint of onion and oregano flavor. 

54. Nigerian Pepper Soup

Nigerian Pepper Soup

Nigerian pepper soup is a flavorful and spicy soup that’s popular in Nigerian cuisine. It’s made by simmering various ingredients such as meat (often goat, chicken, or fish), spices, and hot peppers in a savory broth. 

55. Nigiri

Nigiri is a type of sushi that’s beloved in Japanese cuisine. It consists of a small mound of vinegared rice topped with a slice of fresh seafood, such as raw fish like tuna or salmon. The rice is formed by hand, and a dab of wasabi is often placed between the rice and the seafood to enhance the flavor.

56. Nihari

Nihari is a rich and flavorful dish that’s often enjoyed as a special meal in South Asian cuisine, particularly in India and Pakistan. It’s a slow-cooked stew made with tender cuts of meat, usually beef or lamb, simmered with spices and herbs for several hours. 

57. Nikuman


Nikuman are delightful Japanese steamed buns that are typically filled with savory ingredients. These buns have a soft and fluffy outer layer made from yeast-based dough, and they encase a tasty filling, which can include seasoned ground pork, beef, vegetables, or other ingredients.

58. Nipa

Nipa is a type of palm tree found in tropical regions, especially in coastal areas. Nipa sap is used to make a type of alcoholic beverage called toddy or nipa wine. The sap is collected from the flower buds of the nipa palm and then fermented.

59. Niter Kibbeh

Niter kibbeh is a delicious spiced clarified butter that’s often used in Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisines. It’s made by melting butter and gently simmering it with a mix of aromatic spices like ginger, garlic, cardamom, and fenugreek. This process infuses the butter with a rich taste.

60. Niçoise Olives

Niçoise olives are a type of small black olive that comes from the region of Nice in southern France.  Niçoise olives have a rich, fruity taste with a slightly bitter undertone. They are usually packed in brine, which helps preserve their flavor and enhances their taste.  

61. Niçoise Salad

Niçoise salad is a classic French dish that originates from the city of Nice. It’s a vibrant and flavorful salad that typically features a combination of ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, green beans, olives (often Niçoise olives), and sometimes anchovies or tuna. 

62. Nokdujeon

Nokdujeon is a Korean dish that consists of savory pancakes made from ground nokdu, which are mung bean sprouts. The mung bean sprouts are ground into a batter and mixed with various ingredients like vegetables, kimchi, or seafood. 

63. Noni Fruit

Noni fruit is a tropical fruit with a bumpy texture and strong smell. It’s not usually eaten raw due to its taste. People use it for potential health benefits in juices, extracts, or supplements. It has a unique taste that’s a mix of sour and bitter.

64. Nonpareils

Nonpareils are small sugar sprinkles used to decorate sweets. They come in different colors and are often put on cupcakes, cakes, and cookies. They add a fun texture and a little sweetness. 

65. Noodles

Noodles are thin strips made from flour, water, and sometimes eggs. They come in various shapes and sizes. People boil or cook them in dishes like soups and stir-fries. Noodles have different textures and flavors based on the type and how they’re cooked.

66. Noodle Kugel

Noodle Kugel

Noodle kugel is a traditional Jewish dish that combines noodles with a custard-like mixture. It’s often sweetened with ingredients like sugar, raisins, and sometimes fruit. The mixture is baked until it sets and forms a golden crust.

67. Noodle Soup

Noodle soup is a comforting dish made by combining noodles with a flavorful broth. The noodles can be of various types, such as rice noodles, egg noodles, or wheat noodles. They are cooked in the broth along with ingredients like vegetables, meat, seafood, and spices. 

68. Nopal

Nopal, also known as prickly pear cactus, is a type of cactus plant that is commonly eaten in Mexican and Southwestern cuisines. The flat and oval-shaped pads, known as nopales, are edible and can be grilled, sautéed, boiled, or used in salads, soups, and even tacos. 

69. Norbury Blue

Norbury Blue is a type of blue cheese produced in the United Kingdom. The taste is a balance of rich creaminess and the characteristic sharpness of blue cheese. The texture is smooth and slightly crumbly, making it suitable for spreading on crackers or bread. 

70. Nori


Nori is a type of edible seaweed that’s commonly used in Japanese cuisine, particularly for making sushi rolls. It’s often dried and pressed into thin sheets that are dark green or black in color. Nori has a subtle oceanic flavor and a slightly crisp texture when toasted.

71. Normandy Apple Tart

A Normandy apple tart is a traditional dessert originating from the Normandy region of France. It is made with apples and custard. The result is a harmonious fusion of the natural sweetness from the apples and the richness of the custard. 

72. Northern/Navy Beans

Northern beans, also known as navy beans, are a type of white bean with a mild flavor and smooth texture. These small, oval-shaped beans are popular in various cuisines and are often used in soups, stews, and casseroles. They are a good source of protein and dietary fiber.

73. Nước chấm

Nouc Cham is a traditional Vietnamese dipping sauce that’s often used to enhance the flavors of various dishes. It’s made by combining ingredients like fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, garlic, and chili peppers.

74. Nougat

Nougat is a sweet confection made from a mixture of sugar, honey, and whipped egg whites, often with added nuts like almonds or pistachios. It can also include other ingredients such as dried fruits or chocolate. Nougat is known for its chewy and sometimes crunchy texture, depending on the type and amount of nuts used.

75. Nougatine


Nougatine is a sweet confection made by caramelizing sugar and often combining it with almonds or other nuts. It’s similar to caramel but with the addition of nuts for added texture and flavor. Nougatine is commonly used in dessert making for decorations, toppings, or even standalone treats.

76. Nuggets

Nuggets are small, bite-sized pieces of food that are often breaded and fried until they’re crispy and golden brown. They can be made from various ingredients, including chicken, fish, vegetables, or even cheese. 

77. Nut Bread

Nut bread is a type of bread that contains chopped nuts as an ingredient. It can be made using various types of nuts such as walnuts, almonds, or pecans. Nut bread often has a hearty and slightly nutty flavor, which adds a delightful depth to the overall taste of the bread. 

78. Nut Brittle

Nut brittle is a sweet treat made by cooking a mixture of sugar and nuts until it caramelizes and hardens. The nuts used can vary, often including peanuts, almonds, or cashews. Once cooled and solidified, nut brittle breaks into crunchy, bite-sized pieces.

79. Nut milk

Nut milk is a dairy-free alternative to traditional cow’s milk. It’s made by blending soaked nuts, such as almonds, cashews, or hazelnuts, with water and then straining the mixture to remove any solids. It’s a popular choice for those who are lactose intolerant. 

80. Nutella


Nutella is a popular sweet spread made from a combination of roasted hazelnuts, cocoa, sugar, and palm oil. It has a creamy and smooth texture, similar to peanut butter, but with a rich chocolate and hazelnut flavor. Nutella is widely enjoyed as a spread on bread, toast, pancakes, and waffles.

81. Nutmeg

You can thank nutmeg for cozy autumn days when pumpkin pie and mulled wine just warm the soul. This humble spice transforms ordinary moments into nostalgic memories.

82. Nutmeg melon

A little-known Canadian treat, the Montreal melon surprises with its unique nutmeg aroma. The unassuming netted beige skin opens up to reveal a vibrant orange flesh, sweet and refreshing, perfect for summer days.

83. Nuts

Grab a handful for a delicious and nutritious snack to fuel your day. Whether it’s heart-healthy almonds, brain-boosting walnuts, or energy-packed pistachios, each type of nut brings a particular flavor and a host of health benefits (watch the calories though!).

84. Ndole

Paired with plantains or rice, ndole invites you to savor the authentic taste of Cameroon. This stew is made with indigenous bitter leaf, groundnuts, and a whole bunch of incredible spices, leaving you wanting more.

85. Neapolitan Easter Pie

Neapolitan cheese Easter pie

According to legend, sirens visiting Naples annually crafted this amazing dessert from gifts bestowed by locals. This enchanting pie, woven with ricotta, wheat, and citrus, has become a cherished Easter tradition.

86. Naryn

Uzbekistan is a fascinating country with breathtaking landscapes, welcoming people, and captivating cuisine. Naryn is a traditional Uzbek dish that features thin homemade noodles, marinated and dried shredded horse meat, and tasty spices.

87. Nishalda

This popular Uzbek dessert is similar to marshmallow crème. It combines egg white, sugar, licorice root, anise, and vanilla, creating a medley of aromas. If you’re travelling round Uzbekistan, look out for bazaars and local stands where you will find nishalda, at its most fresh, and other authentic local foods.

88. Nogada pepper

A Mexican delicacy from Puebla is poblano peppers stuffed with a delectable mix of ground meat, fruits, and spices. Topped with a creamy walnut sauce and adorned with pomegranate seeds, it’s both visually stunning and totally appetizing.

89. Nadan meen curry

For those who enjoy bold, robust flavors, nadan meen curry is a must-try. It has all the markings of awesome Indian food, mixing coconut milk with chilli seeds, tangy tamarind, along with shallots, ginger, garlic, and turmeric.

90. Northern wolffish

Northern wolffish

What the Northern wolffish lacks in aesthetics it makes up for in its numerous health benefits: its lean meat contains plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium, and Omega-3 fatty acids. The fact that it’s also tasty is a bonus.

91. Nectacot

A nectarine and apricot hybrid, this fruit offers the best of both worlds. It combines the smooth skin of a nectarine with a sweet and juicy flavor reminiscent of apricot. It makes for a fascinating new experience.

Ending this article with the famous spreadable Nutella might just make you run to the kitchen and ensure you have a jar ready at home. Moreover, after exploring these exceptional meals that start with “N”, you’re probably feeling quite hungry.

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Related: Foods Starting with Q

The post 91 Popular Foods Starting with N appeared first on Chef's Pencil.

from Chef's Pencil

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