Thursday, April 13, 2023

Gross Drinks: 13 Most Disgusting Drinks Ever Made

Are you ready? This time we’ll take a world’s tour for a gut-wrenching adventure that will take your taste buds for a spin. We will discover the  baffling obsession for brewing the masculine parts of animals in beer, and offer proof that poop coffee is not the only poop beverage invented. You’ve been warned, so let’s get into it!

1. Stag Semen Beer – New Zealand

Stag Semen Beer – New Zealand

Wellington is well known for the craft beer so you may want to go the extra mile and try out a new star beer on the menu? Stag Semen Stout was very much in demand during a local craft beer fest a few years back. This unusual brew had a strong flavor, allegedly reminiscent of roasted chocolate.

Sorry, but in this case, we have to disappoint you, because you’d be too late to try it.

Despite the owner’s optimistic belief that this concoction would be a hit with the ladies (it wasn’t), the extreme yuck factor and low sales led to it being withdrawn from the market a while back.But this wasn’t a first for this weirdly creative  brewery. As far back as 2011 they served apple-infused horse semen or just simple semen shots that were again for some reason targeted at their female clientele. However, this seems more like a sexist fantasy than a sexy drink, and to date we’ve been unable to unearth any evidence to prove that their female clients ever actually existed!

2. Baby Mice Wine – China, Korea

Baby Mice Wine – China, Korea

If you’ve ever wondered how gasoline tastes then you should take a quick trip to South China or Korea and try the baby mice wine.

This so-called health tonic is made by drowning infant mice in rice wine and then letting it ferment and absorb the rodent flavor.

In ancient times when villagers ran out of money to buy medicine, they turned to this traditional wine to cure their ailments. The strange concoction is reputed to have many healing properties that include curing hepatic and liver disease as well as asthma.

Still not convinced?  We assure you that only the best ingredients are used. Only mice that are less than 72 hours old, have not opened their eyes yet and are totally hairless are used. At least a dozen of these babies are left to ferment in each bottle for 12-14 months.

You can get very drunk very fast from this wine – which is a good thing as it may make you forget  this experience.

3. The Sourtoe Cocktail – Canada

The Sourtoe Cocktail

Watch out for the toe when you get your hand on this cocktail that’s been proudly served since 1973.

The Sourtoe Cocktail Club is an exclusive bar in Yukon that requires membership. In order to achieve join you have to drink a shot of Sourtoe Cocktail that contains, yes, you guessed it, a  mummified human toe. You can drink as slow or fast as you desire but the one rule is that your lips need to touch the toe. Who’s up for the challenge?

And here comes the story behind this shot: it all started in 1920 when the rum-running Linken brothers, Louie and Otto got caught in the blizzard. Louie stepped through a patch of ice and immersed his foot into the cold water which gave him frostbite. To prevent gangrene Otto used his axe to chop off Louise’s toe when they got back to the cabin. Then he put it into a jar with alcohol to commemorate the event.

Legend has it that in 1973, Captain Dick Stevenson found the jar and came up with the idea of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club. 

In 2013 a man swallowed the toe on purpose – and got chased out of town as a result. He came back though, to seek forgiveness from the people of Dawson City.

Not sure where the replacement toe came from. But today, if you want to indulge yourself and swallow the new one, you can buy your exoneration for a mere $2500.

4. Kopi Luwak – Indonesia

Kopi Luwak – Indonesia

If you taste a cup of coffee and think that it tastes like crap you could be closer to the truth than you realize. Maybe it’s not the most expensive coffee in the world but kopi luwak still has a story worth telling.

The unusual production method explains why cat poop coffee is so expensive. The palm civet or civet cats feed on coffee beans, picking only the best and ripest, which are then  processed by their powerful  digestive enzymes. Now, this is the most important part because these enzymes change the structure of proteins in the coffee beans , removing some of the acidity making the taste of the cup of coffee much smoother.

Legend says that kopi luwak was discovered in Indonesia,at the time of the Dutch colonists,  native farmers weren’t allowed to harvest coffee for themselves. The plantation workers discovered undigested beans in the feces of civet cast and after experimenting , realized they preferred the taste to that of conventional beans. 

Sadly, increased demand for this Indonesian specialty has changed the industry for the worse: 80% of the coffee sold as kopi luwak on the market is fake.

In addition, caged animals are force-fed to recreate the digestive process. The appalling living conditions they endure make it difficult for anyone with the slightest concern for animal welfare to accept. If you do feel the need to sample this coffee, at least  search for a certified, cage-free kopi luwak, certified by the WSPA and Rainforest Alliance or with UTZ certification.   

5. Dung-smoked Whale Testicle Beer – Iceland

Whale Testicle Beer

Rising from the Dark Ages of Iceland, this medieval beer is brought to life every year for the Thorri festival when locals celebrate their ancient gods from Valhalla, like Odin and Thor. 

Hvalur is enjoyed alongside other traditional dishes that their ancestors also feasted on. The controversial beer has a time-consuming brewing method. It has to follow the quality assurance protocol in order for the health department to approve the beverage.

The key ingredients are giant whale testicles that weigh around 15 to 18 pounds. These are  smoked for an extended period using dried sheep dung rather than wood, because there are no trees on this volcanic  island.

So, this is how the beer gets its unique smoky taste. Hops and malted barley are added to the mix together with some of the world’s purest water from a nearby 600 year old glacier. 

Want to try hvalur when you visit Iceland? People say the flavor is like a stout with hints of caramel and smoke and an almost meaty aftertaste  Cheers!

6. Seagull Wine – Arctic Circle

Now you’re used to the idea of whale-testicle beer, let’s stay in the far north and move on to wine that features a dead seagull as the main ingredient. 

What ever happened to good old messages in bottles washed up on the beach? Anyway, the only wine you’ll find near this beverage is the word written on the label – because there are no grapes to be found anywhere in the Arctic Circle. This wine is a mixture of  water and seagulls,  which the inventive Inuit realized would ferment nicely under the sun inside a bottle. .

The taste is far from average but manages to get people inebriated in a hurry. The hangover is something that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemies. On the other hand, legend has it that one innocent tourist accepted a sip without being told its name and pronounced it: ‘Not that bad’.  And that’s the best review that this so-called wine is likely to get. 

7. Panda Dung Tea – China

 Panda dung tea
Photo credit: LisaAmy (CC BY 2.0)

The Chinese passion for out of this world inventions and love for pandas have resulted in the most expensive tea in the world.

The green tea leaves grow in the mountains of Sichuan and are fertilized with tons of excrement from the panda bears living at nearby breeding centers.

The wildlife expert An Yanshi prefers this type of fertilization because it’s rich in fibers and nutrients from the bamboo, the pandas’ main food. The poor digestive system of this much- loved bear leaves the poo with high amounts of vitamins and minerals as the body absorbs only about 30% of what they consume.

The important nutrients, including health-giving antioxidants, end up enriching the green tea.  An Yanshi describes it as fragrant and smooth but with a mature and nutty taste.

The Chinese entrepreneur is hoping that his panda poo tea will be included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most expensive tea with an eye-watering asking price of £125 a cup and £46,000 per kg. 

8. Cow Urine Soda – India

 Cow urine soda

In an attempt to replace American Coke with something healthier and more traditional, Gaul Jal was launched in 2011, ready to take the market by storm.

It is a soft drink containing cow urine. This is nothing unusual in the Hindu culture, as they have been using this ingredient as a traditional remedy for centuries due to the sacred nature of cows.

Some people claim that drinking cow urine can improve blood sugar levels and others have treated their stomach problems with it.

However, it seems that, to date, this golden soda hasn’t overtaken its rivals as the cooling  refreshment of choice on sweltering summer days. 

9. Placenta 10000 – Japan

The taste of tender young peaches sounds appealing, and that is how the popular drink in Japan: Placenta 10000is described.

But if you’ve read this far, you’ll know that things on this list are never that simple. 

The number in the drink’s name comes from the 10,000 mg of pig placenta it contains and the texture is more like jelly than fresh fruit..

It’s sold for the supposed regenerative properties and as a beauty enhancer. If animals eat their placenta in the wild, why shouldn’t we drink it to achieve a fabulous complexion? Who could  argue with such cast-iron logic?

And if you’re not satisfied with the regular version, you can always opt for super-strength Placenta 40,000 and in no time at all you’ll be able to cancel that face-lift!!    

10. Civet Poo Beer – Denmark 

Beer Geek Brunch

After luwak coffee and panda poop tea, it was only a matter of time before someone decided   that what the world needs most is civet poo beer. 

The founder of Mikkeller Brewery in Copenhagen was so impressed by the luwak coffee he had tasted in Vietnam, and so indifferent to the ethical treatment of wild animals,  that he became determined to include the chocolate notes in his dark beer.

To reduce the bitter taste of hops he replaced them with an oatmeal stout that has a roasted chocolaty flavor thanks to the addition of Vietnamese Cap He Con, the equivalent of Indonesian kopi luwak. 

It’s better to enjoy this luxury beverage later in the day, for brunch, as it has a strong taste and full body.  Or, if you prefer your beer cruelty-free, opt for Geek Breakfast Beer which is made with regular French press coffee.

11. Kumis – Central Asia

© A.Savin, WikiCommons

Kumis is the ancient Turkish word for fermented horse milk. The drink is similar to kefir but because it’s made from raw mare’s raw milk it is sweeter and therefore contains a higher level of alcohol when fermented.

It originated in ancient Mongolia but over centuries spread throughout Central Asia.

The closest relationship that our ancestors had with horses were the Kazakhs who were born, lived, and died on horseback. Therefore using their milk for human consumption appeared naturally.

If it’s distilled into a spirit kumis becomes araka or arkhi, with a light body and a slightly sour flavor with an aftertaste reminiscent of almonds.

Kumis was nomads’ main drink and medicine for a large number of diseases like: tuberculosis, anemia, typhoid, neurasthenia; pancreatic, stomach and cardiovascular disease. It’s known that famous Russian writers like Anton Cekhov and Lev Tolstoi were convinced of the healing powers of kumis which is packed with vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, C, biotin, Pantothenic and Folic acid.

In ancient times they stored the mare’s milk in leather bags that helped the fermentation progress but nowadays they still use some of the traditional utensils made from wood, and piyala, specially designed dishes used only for drinking kumis.  

12. Tuna Tears – South Korea

Tuna Tears – South Korea

In our partner article on disgusting foods we took a look at tuna eyeballs, so it’s natural to take this delicacy to the next level with the tuna tears shot.

This weird, jelly-like drink is prized for its anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects due to the vitamin E and other nutrients such as collagen and gelatin it contains. Chamchi nunmulju, in Korean, can also be found in Japanese style restaurants also known as “tuna houses.”

The glass contains soju (that’s rice wine) and mashed raw tuna eye lenses. The best advice is not to smell it but to drink it straight up. It has a salty taste, as you’d expect from fish, and has a mild intoxicating effect due to the alcohol. But one shot will probably be enough to keep you sober for quite a while!

13. Three Penis Liquor – China

Three Penis Liquor – China

Here’s a virility drink, originating from an ancient Chinese medicinal  recipe, that contains not one, or two but three different types of penises.

This potent brew contains seal, deer and Cantonese dog masculine parts that have been brewed into rice wine.  It can be found in selected Chinese grocers and comes with warnings: young boys shouldn’t drink it at all and adult men shouldn’t have too much.

If you are curious about the taste it is said to resemble expired port or pungent vinegar,  and taste like prune juice.

All I can recommend is that from now on you carefully read the wine label before planning a romantic evening!

Have we left any of your (least) favorite weird and disgusting drinks off our list? Leave a comment below because we’d love to hear your stomach-churning suggestions!

Yum tour anyone? Check our list of the most disgusting foods around the world.

The post Gross Drinks: 13 Most Disgusting Drinks Ever Made appeared first on Chef's Pencil.

from Chef's Pencil

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